Stone Fruit
With a firm outer skin and a solid heart, stone fruits come in a wide range of varieties. Freshly picked and delivered with care.
Kopke’s stone fruit varieties are available from Late December through April. Our Chilean stone fruit includes Peaches, Plums, Nectarines and Apricots.
Apricots are believed to have originated in north central and northwestern China where they have been cultivated for over 4,000 years. Over time, apricots spread throughout Europe, the Middle East and America. This transplanting of the apricot has resulted in distinctly different varieties throughout the world. Apricots are notable for their delicate flavor, velvety-smooth surface and wonderfully sweet aroma. Look for fairly-firm, smooth, plum, well-formed fruit that has an orange-yellow to orange color. Fully ripe fruit is soft to the touch, full of juice, and should be eaten as soon as possible.

The Plumcot is a delicious cross between a plum and an apricot. The burgundy colored Plumcot, with its red flesh, offers the best of both fruits by providing an almost perfect sugar to acid balance, resulting in a fruit that is sweeter than either the plum or the apricot.

Lemon Plums
Also called a yellow or golden plum, the lemon plum is a beautiful, unique kind of plum, whose skin develops a deepening red blush as it ripens. Juicy and sweet, it is as pleasing to the eye as it is to the pallet.

Red Plums
The Red Plum is an attractive fruit and depending on the variety, they can sport several shapes & sizes. Generally, look for round fruit with a deep intense color, free-stone and a firm but melting texture.

Black Plums
The black plum varieties are very sweet and have a meaty yellow flesh. It is a very versatile plum that is excellent for pies, jams and sauces. It is also delicious when eaten fresh.

White Flesh
A low-acid, white-fleshed freestone nectarine, with 50-60% red blush over lime white color having an excellent sweet flavor. Arctic Snow gives heavy production and is an excellent shipper freestone and clingstone variety. New French varieties are available with exciting new cultivars on the horizon.

Yellow Flesh
Freestone varieties have good size, travel well and are perfect for eating out of your hand. Semi-freestone varieties are a combination of the freestone and clingstone varieties. New French varieties are available with exciting new cultivars on the horizon.

Donut Peaches
This specialty stone fruit has a pale-yellow skin with a red blush and is sized and shaped like a donut! With a low acid to sugar ratio, the donut peach is exceptionally sweet (more so than it’s yellow-fleshed counterpart) and is perfect for snacking or desserts.

White Peaches
Freestone Fruit, rounded, 50-60% red blush on exposed areas over a creamy-green ground color. The extent and intensity of the red blush is dependent upon the adequate crop load. It has a white firm juicy melting flesh and a very good sub-acid mid sweet flavor.

Yellow Peaches
Yellow flesh peaches are the number one freestone variety due to their attractive appeal, delicious flavor and long shelf life. The yellow-fleshed varieties are less delicate and more acidic than their white-fleshed counterparts, with a tartness that lessens as the peach matures.

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Stone Fruit